Quality management series service
Standards and specifications
Service Introduction
SunwayWorld always pays attention to inspection and test and quality data business development trends and provide specific industry solutions based on the development trend, making informatization construction of labs be flexible to meet demands of lab business changes.
During inspection and test and quality data management platform construction, SunwayWorld provides customers with multi-perspective and all-round services, including lab construction, preparation of lab specifications, lab management process optimization, preparation of the lab quality management system and preparation of the lab informatization specification system. During lab informatization construction, SunwayWorld provides customers with process analysis and business consultation services at first to realize process analysis and restructuring, lab informatization consultation, IT architecture and system and specification preparation and then carries out customer demand arrangement and product implementation services.

Consulting Service Process Optimization
As an advanced management concept and business carrier, process is the inheritance of enterprise value and ability as well as execution of strategy. For more than ten years practical accumulation, SunwayWorld is proficient in the benchmark process practice for flow manufacturing, logistic management and inspection and testing inspection. SunwayWorld consulting solutions will help Chinese enterprise to fulfil core process reconstruct and enhance overall management level. SunwayWorld consulting team can help assorted Chinese enterprises fulfil core process reengineering and improve overall management level.
IT Planning Services
SunwayWorld abides by the management philosophies in the Internet era helping many enterprises to carry out IT planning and system construction, and brings whopper IT value enhancement to customers from the perspective of competitiveness. IT can be neither independent of the business, nor independent of the process. SunwayWorld consulting conducts IT planning and IT regulation construction on the basis of in-depth understanding of business development needs.
IT planning services include: infrastructure consulting services, disaster recovery services, basic application software management services, office system support and terminal equipment services, network services, server management services, IT security services, data and storage services, operations, maintenance and technical support service, system development and integration, IT management system-wide processes and templates. -
IT System Construction
With the procurement supply chain and inspection and testing business as the core, IT system construction will be carried out. The construction of IT system will emphasize the coordination of IT and business objectives; emphasize the matching of IT, enterprises' strategies, management modes and business processes; emphasize the analysis of industry development trends, and anticipate the possible changes of enterprises. The key points of construction lie in analysis of the system construction needs, proposal of reasonable construction plans and completion of the construction tasks with quality and quantity guaranteed. The contents of the service include demand confirmation, construction plan, construction implementation, project acceptance, project handover and operation and maintenance services.
Standard Data Query Service
Accurate searchable services for standards and standard values, standard message notification services, accurate search services for national sampling inspection rules, and customized services with the LIMS platform interface.
Quality Big Data Analysis Service
Establishment of corresponding mathematical models by analyzing the test data accumulated over the years makes it possible to objectively analyze and evaluate the quality status of an industry or product, predict the quality development trend of the industry or product and publish survey reports on the industry or product to provide decision-making basis for the government and other organizations in society. Quality big data can play a vital role in government decision-making, public opinion monitoring, product quality supervision, product insight and enterprise data-based operation, and so on and so forth.